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Alinco, a world leader in communications has developed a compact, dependable and easy-to-operate HF transceiver. From its detachable front panel and front-facing speaker to its logically laid out controls, the DX-SR8 is an intuitive design achievement.

The DX-SR8 is engineered to be a quality transceiver able to endure heavy-duty cycles and harsh operating environments. There are many convenient features and a variety of setup parameters that will enhance its performance under demanding operating conditions.
Alinco delivers high quality and superior value in the DX-SR8!.
Easily modifiable for MARS use.
  • Coverage of All short-wave and HF amateur bands
    Covers the 160m to 10m amateur bands including 5.3MHz (T-model only) in SSB, CW, AM and FM modes. Output power is 100W SSB/CW and FM, 40W in AM with low and super-low power settings for QRP operation. In addition, the general coverage receiver covers 135KHz to 30MHz in all modes.
  • Detachable front control panel
    Completely detachable front control panel with large LCD display lets you install the radio with greater flexibility whether in your car, boat or your shack. (Optional EDS-17 cable required)
  • Direct DATA entry via the key pads
    While the main dial tunes at the default 10Hz/resolution (adjustable in set mode), the numerical key pads can be used for fast direct frequency input, band selection and more.
    Fight QRM with these STANDARD features
    Reject unwanted signals with the IF shift. Choose a narrow filter, a noise-blanker or use RIT/TXIT to stay out of QRM.
  • Emphasis on CW Operation
    An electronic keyer unit is standard. You can receive CW using either upper or lower side of the carrier frequency. Choice of side tone pitch, FULL (QSK), Semi or Auto break-in, split, narrow filter, AGC and RF gain.
  • World-class transmit audio quality
    A dynamic microphone and a speech compressor come standard for sharp, clear and powerful transmitting audio.
  • Enhanced scan modes
    A variety of scan modes are available including Priority, Search, Busy, Timed, Memory and Programmed search. Timed scan setting does not require squelch-mute so you are able to monitor data-modes and broadcasts simultaneously during memory search scan.
  • Additional convenient features include
    RF Attenuator and Pre-amplifier selectable in 4 steps, / 3 TX power output levels with a Super-Low setting (QRP 0.1W~2W variable) / Dual VFO / 600ch memories in 3 banks / Connections for Auto-antenna tuner and Liner amplifier ALC output / Fully independent AF level, squelch, RIT and IF shift knobs / Dial lock and key lock / TX-RX lamp / Alphanumeric display / Auto-power-off / CTCSS encode for 10m FM repeater accesses / Microphone, Headphone and External speaker jacks on the front panel / Large, temperature-controlled internal cooling fan with anti-overheat output power limiter/ High-SWR protection and more!
Operating mode

[J3E (USB, LSB), A3E (AM), A1A (CW), F3E (FM)

Antenna Impedance

50 ohm unbalanced

Frequency stability


Power supply requirement

13.8V DC +/-15% (11.7 to 15.8V DC)

Operating Temperature

+14°F ~ +140°F (-10°C ~ 60°C)



Current drain

Receiver: 1.0A(max.) 0.7A(Squelched)
Transmit: 20A

Dimensions (Projections not included/approx.)

240(w) x 94(h) x 255(d)mm (Projections not included)
(9.45"(w) x 3.7"(h) x 10"(d)
240(w) x 100(h) x 293(d)mm
(9.45"(w) x 3.94"(h) x 11.54"(d)


9.1 lbs (4.1kg)

Output power

SSB, CW, FM: 100W(Hi) Approx. 10W (Low) Approx. 1W (S-Low)
AM: 40W(Hi) Approx. 4W (Low) Approx. 0.4W (S-Low)

Modulation system

SSB: Balanced modulation
AM: Low power modulation
FM: Reactance modulation

Carrier suppression

More than 40dB

Unwanted sideband

More than 50dB(1KHz)

Maximum FM deviation


Receive system

Double conversion superheterodyne


SSB: (0.15 to 1.8MHz) 0dBu(1uV)
CW: (1.8 to 30MHz) -12dBu(0.25uV)
AM: (0.15 to 1.8MHz) +20dBu(10uV)
AM: (1.8 to 30MHz) +6dBu(2uV)
FM: (28 to 30MHz) -6dBu(0.5uV)

Intermediate frequency

1st 71.75MHz, 2nd 455KHz


SSB, CW, AM(narrow): 2.4KHz/-6dB 4.5KHz/-60dB
AM, FM: 6KHz/-6dB 18KHz/-60dB
-6dB: 6KHz or more
-60dB: 16KHz or less (NFM)

Spurious and image rejection ratio

More than 70dB

Audio output power

More than 2.0W(8ohm 10%THD)

RIT variable range


Microphone impedance


Transmit Frequency coverage

160m band (1.8M): 1.80000 - 1.99999MHz
80m band (3.5M): 3.50000 - 3.99999MHz
*60m band (5.3M): 5.33050MHz, 5.34650MHz, 5.36650MHz, 5.37150MHz, 5.40350MHz
40m band (7M): 7.00000 - 7.29999MHz
30m band (10M): 10.10000 - 10.14999MHz
20m band (14M): 14.00000 - 14.34999MHz
17m band (18M): 18.06800 - 18.16799MHz
15m band (21M): 21.00000 - 21.44999MHz
12m band (24M): 24.89000 - 24.98999MHz
10m band (28M): 28.00000 - 29.99999MHz

  • EMS-64
  • Fused ADUA-83 DC cable
  • Microphone hanger EBC-7
  • EDX-2 automatic long-wire antenna tuner
  • EDS-17 Front control remote kit (5m cable, front panel bracket, unit cover and hardware)
  • EMS-14 Desktop microphone
  • ERW-7 or ERW-15 USB Programming Data cable
  • DM330/30T/430T series DC power supplies

At the same price!
